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Wednesday, January 13

Magic Beans

Here I am, watching Nigella does her magic on the TV while sipping a bowl of red azuki bean soup (hong tau sui, as we Chinese calls it). These red azuki beans are magic and I will tell you why.

I have been having constant lower backaches and sometimes it got so bad that I couldn't bend down to put on my own underwear. When a girl is unable to put on her own panties, trust me, it is extremely unsexy and it is a tragedy. This has been going on for weeks, until one fine day I went for a massage and Masseur Girl taught me to boil red azuki beans and drink up. Told Mom about this since she has a backache problem too. Didn't think she would take my little info seriously, but voila, a huge pot of red azuki bean soup appeared out of nowhere the very next day.

It worked. That bowl of red azuki bean soup healed our lower backaches instantly. If you are suffering from a backache that no amount of yoga or stretching can help, why not boil a pot of these magic beans and have some? Why did it work might have something to do with Calcium? Red beans are loaded with calcium, in case you didn't know. 

Try this little remedy and let me know if it works for you as it did for me. Red azuki beans are abundantly available in your local markets, both wet and dry. No Jacks required to climb any beanstalks to get them.

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