Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, January 8

Operation Lean Mean & Toned

Confession time: I think I am fat.

Ok, to be honest I don't really think I am that fat. Clothes still fit the same, no double chin and top and bottom are still at 36 respectively the last I checked.

But (there is always a but)... the ideal body to achieve is no longer to be thin but a lean mean and toned one. 

I want toned arms.
I crave definitions on the frontal of my thighs.
I yearn for washboard abs. 

I want all these and I will achieve them.

I think it also has to with age. As I am nearing the dreaded big Three-O, the need to maintain the current body shape and state of health, intensifies. I am currently nowhere near Gisele, Eva or Alba, but if I were to have my current body now when I'm 50, I'm happy. Therefore, preservation is important but - I do not just want to preserve, I want to hit it maximum with a toned bod. No people, please have image of manly Madonna out of your minds. You know what I mean.

In order to achieve Operation LMT, there will be sacrifices. If watching what I ate in the past was just a casual thing, it is watching and scrutinizing food intake now like a hawk that I must do. There will also be secret weapons. In time when there are results, I will reveal who these little buddies are. No diet pills, I never believed in them. But you will know who and what they are when my upper arms no longer jiggle.

As you age, you have this group of friends you'd never want them in your lives. They are - Heart Attack, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Hypertension and Cancer. Imagine, you can prevent them from entering into your lives, wouldn't that motivate you to stay healthy?

Osteoporosis. A major hit with the women. There was this study which I read, that calcium supplements do not work as well as we thought for strengthening bones and preventing osteoporosis. Exercise does. Weight-bearing exercises to be precise. How it works is that, by carrying weights, you are forcing your muscles and bones to strengthen and not weaken and wither away with age. Also, if you are a smoker, your bone density is getting fcuked up right now as we speak. Brutal truth yes, but you ought to know.

So yes, it's the 8th day of 2010 and I am proud to say, I am doing all I can to remain healthy and fit. If you are planning to as well, why not start today? Everything begins now and nothing starts without you taking the first step.

I know I sound like a motivational speaker in this post. But seriously, I have friends who are in their early 30s who are having problems like Gout, Chest Pains and Kidney Stones. I mean, how fcuked up is that?! I have never been hospitalized in my entire life *touch wood* except for my birth day and the only time I want to be hospitalized next is during child labour.

Seriously. Your health and you - you don't really wanna fcuk around with it.

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